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Comments 1

iamstealthyone December 20 2006, 06:42:22 UTC
Poor Sam, with all the whipping and the whole Palo Alto illusion. *narrows eyes* Bad poltergeist. *hisses*

Favorite lines:

Sam strapped a sheathed Bowie knife to his leg and tucked a set of lock picks into the chest pocket of his flannel shirt.

So, what does it say about me that I find that incredibly sexy?

"Sitting on my ass trying to make a blind guess about when to bring you back from the great beyond isn't exactly my idea of effective backup."

*g* Yeah, Dean would hate sitting around and waiting.

Smelling like cheap potpourri wasn't exactly his idea of a good time, but at least it was better than smelling like a Chicken McNugget.


The whip sliced across his thighs, and he went down screaming. Blood ran down his legs and soaked his jeans.

*winces* Ow!

A searing line of pain between his shoulder blades. Two more across his thighs. Three in a row across the small of his back, until he thought his spine would be ripped out.Gah … this is brutal. Poor Sam! Maybe the injuries won’t follow him back to the real world ( ... )


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