More "Devil's Trap" ruminations

May 08, 2006 17:19

What, you thought just because the season is over I'm going to stop obsessing? Don't be silly.

Clarifying a plot point. )

recs, supernatural, meta

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researchgrrrl May 9 2006, 09:29:08 UTC
the truck driver at the end had black eyes rather than gold

What's funny is that I thought we heard a distant but approaching vehicle sound outside of the cabin when the lights first started flickering and I was all "ONOZ! Even if they escape Demon!John, he has more black-eyed babies waiting outside. Argh!"

And then the rest of the cabin scene happened and I forgot to breathe, much less to worry about other potential evil things outside.

In attempting to rewatch that scene this morning to determine whether or not that was an engine sound (and thus kind of cool to have had the truck already in place for a backup) or just a wind sound, I discovered a few things:

1) I am physically incapable of not compulsively rewinding/watching/rewinding/watching various angsty face scenes.

2) I am physically incapable of not doing a slow-motion frame advance/pause thing of watching John's shirt ruck up as he falls and just wanting to lick.

3) My attention span in general just goes to hell and I was startled to discover I even had a window open with the first part of the reply written to you.

4) John's. Shirt.

5) What was I talking about?

In conclusion, though I was probably wrong about the approaching engine sound, I honestly don't have the ear to confirm or deny based on what I can hear in the pre-possession revelation. Still, I do like the thought of the demon having that dude clearly on his way as a backup. (The fact that I can't even remember the friend's name right now should be another good indication of how much I'm still flailing as I rewatch that final scene yet again.)

Personally, I'm hoping for a nice three-story arc to resolve the current plot with this big bad while introducing something new as a focus for their hunt (and, christ, I typed "they're hung" *so embarrassed* *so glad I caught that before I hit send*). Because really? They're going to need something pretty damned big and different to get themselves to reinvest in the hunt, particularly if John dies. Right now (well, right after the car scene), if either one of those boys so much as thinks "I can't..." the other is apt to go "Done, you got it, we're retired."

So, yeah. Some pre-coffee thoughts. I may be back post-coffee from work, where I don't have DT to distract me. :P


marinarusalka May 9 2006, 16:06:46 UTC
I'm totally with you on the reaction to the cabin scene. That whole sequence, from Dean realizing John is possessed to the moment when the demon leaves John's body, is some of the most powerful television I've seen in ages. I can think of a few times during the run of BtVS when I was similarly gripped, but that was in later seasons, after I've had several years to know and love the characters. For Kripke to bring it off at the end of Season One is pretty damn amazing.


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