More "Devil's Trap" ruminations

May 08, 2006 17:19

What, you thought just because the season is over I'm going to stop obsessing? Don't be silly.

Clarifying a plot point. )

recs, supernatural, meta

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elishavah May 9 2006, 01:27:11 UTC
First off, adore the icon. (omg the impala!)

Second, re: Ceiling Demon, huh. Never occurred to me to think anything else.

And re: the rest, oh my yes. This demon issue is definitely going to need to be handled before anything else can happen. The Winchesters, at this moment, are not just marked, they are in the demon world's sights. But feasibly for a weekly series, the clearest way I can see this happening:

There's some sort of sign that the Ceiling Demon is out of commission; that the magic bullet might not have killed it, but it severely screwed it up and it's pulling itself back together. And while it's dealing with that, it's told all of the other demons they can make the Winchesters' lives complicated, but hands off, because this is its thing.

The Winchesters, meanwhile, are also trying to recover, and (maybe working with Bobby) trying to put together an arsenal better equipped to deal with your standard demon. The bullet, it's still for the big guy. Plus, they've really got to figure out who are all of these other kids and just what is the Ceiling Demon after them for. You've been told it has a reason; it would be a good idea to find out what that is, if only to understand your enemy and maybe head it off.

So past the first episode or two (which I figure is as long as you can drag out the serious recovery), the episodes will be a mix of regular hunting, finding demon weapons, figuring out WTF is going on...all while the demons are still keeping track of them, at least. That's the first half of the season, anyway.

Then the Ceiling Demon re-emerges. And it's still got its plan or whatever, but now it's kinda ticked. That's when life gets really interesting.

Who knows what the hell is in Kripke's head, though. I just don't see the Ceiling Demon problem getting solved immediately (way, way too many questions that weren't answered by the end of S1, and plus, they've set up a nasty little tie between the demon and Dean, now), but I also have trouble seeing it being the sole focus of 22 episodes.


marinarusalka May 9 2006, 15:56:15 UTC
I think your scenario sounds very plausible. And I really like the idea of the Winchesters trying to track down the other "chosen" kids and trying to figure out what's going on with them all. That would make for a nice little mini-arc leading up to a sweeps period. :-)


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