Probably my last pre-HBP post

Jul 15, 2005 08:33

Happy birthday, musesfool!!

At midnight tonight, I shall have HBP in my hot little hand.  Then I will be a good girl and go to bed, and then I'll probably spend all of tomorrow reading.  And then I'm flying to NY early Sunday morning.  So the next time you guys hear from me, there will probably be much squeeing.  Or bitching.  Hopefully squeeing.

In the meantime, those of you still hanging out on LJ should all go here to play my "caption this icon" game.  The entries so far have provided me with much cheap amusement.  You have until tomorrow night to play.  Come on, you know you wanna!

My mission today is to have lunch with kradical and to buy a gift for the bridal shower I'm attending tomorrow evening.  And to keep awake till midnight.  Yay.
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