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Oct 19, 2010 09:02

Not much to say this past week and a half.. I've been in a bit of a sulky mood and can't stand my own company sometimes.
This past weekend seemed like a really long one, even though it was only sat and sun. Sometimes I love my co-workers so much I don't know what to do with myself. I forgot what it was like to work in an environment with people I don't like.. but I think that would suck and I never want to go back to it.

By Monday I had come down with some sort of flu.. stress induced I'd say. So I had to miss my hot yoga!! But I did come home and take thermaflu and I loovveed it. The deep sleep, the crazy dreams, and feeling light headed.
I did do hot yoga tonight and I felt wonderful..not just wonderful STRONG like I could do ANYTHING. so I kept asking myself what did I do today different, why do I feel so great, why am I not dying in this heat, why don't I feel dizzy? And then right about the time I had convinced myself that I MIGHT just be getting better at hot yoga.. I realized OH YEAH.. I went to the doctor today and she gave me over 30 pills to take.. one of them being a pain killer and probably anti-fever something. DANG ITT!! I'm only functional in that class on drugs, what a sad story. My plan is to use these drug(medicine) days to really push myself.. and maybe magically when I get off the drugs I will be better?.. maybe.

On an even brighter note.. I sat back today while my kids were taking turns reading aloud "Whistle for Willie" and I realized, by golly these kids have learned something! And all day today they just were on the ball. It's days like these that make it all worth while and that I really have to remember because I know everyday is something different.
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