1. I broke my camera, because I'm an idiot and don't pay attention to whats in my pocket.
2. School's over!
- Musical Fundamentals - A for sure.
- Texas Government - Most likely an A
- Jazz Dance - Most likely an A but absences might make it a B
- Middle Eastern Dance - A
3. Lobbying to go full time at work, including a new responsibility managing our inner office website with event calendars and photo albums!
4. I'm not going to audition in March for the fall program at Disney. I'll still audition in September here in Austin and not apply for any other roles. If I don't pass the audition, I'll just apply in January for fall like I planned. If you don't do a character audition, you can apply and possibly get accepted in January, February or early March. If you audition, you have to wait to be accepted/denied until after your audition, meaning during those three or four months before your audition, your secondary choices are being filled, leaving less space for you. I'm not willing to risk it at that point. I would have already waited two years and I don't want to wait any longer than that. So no New York trip.
5. I want to go camping on the beach this summer. I've only been camping once and it was in November and I was sick (see posts on Renaissance Festival). I know you get sand everywhere but I don't care. I've been watching the Frankie Avalon/Annette Funicello Beach Party movies and I want to do that so bad. haha. Also, instead of doing the frug, we're gonna learn the HSM dances and do them on the beach. Possibly Thriller too.
6. I want to expand my summer/vintage dress collection. I've been meaning to for a couple of years now but I never have any extra money. Hopefully I will soon. I love dresses.
7. Its finally summer. I spent like an hour after school on the last day singing 'What Time Is It?' and doing the dance... and it was awesome. Yay summer!