Originally posted by
metaphorsbwithu at
breaking - we actually have an "insider threat office" IS THIS NOT THE KIND OF MENTALITY THAT EXISTS IN TOTALITARIAN STATES?
Just reported last tonight by McClatchy Washington Bureau?
http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/07/09/196211/linchpin-for-obamas-plan-to-predict.html#.UdyoKL0SVPw While the actual people who seek to destroy us have been off limits due to political correctness, word comes out that Obama has ordered government employees to spy on each other and report "suspicious behavior".
You know - are you having financial difficulties. Marital problems?
Do you have "suspicious" on-line activities?
Are you working odd hours?
Have you read "controversial" books?
Are you critical of politicians and the government?
The person next to you just might decide you need to be investigated - and he or she has the added burden of the threat of punishment and/or prosecution if they do not.
Chilling, isn't it?
The IRS targeting individuals and groups the administration doesn't like.
The NSA collecting data, phone call records, social media site activity, etc.
Drones patrolling the skies watching us, tracking our cars, cameras on the streets, soon they'll be monitoring our energy usage and controlling it remotely.
Under ObamaCare your doctor will be required to ask you intrusive questions and report your answers to the government.
And, to top it all, we have a president who ignores his basic duty as president - to execute the laws. instead, he ignores the laws he doesn't like or decides is politically inconvenient, he writes and rewrites legislation with no authority to do so, and bypasses Congress and rules by fiat when he wants his way but can't get it done according to the constitution.
And people mocked people like me when we warned about this administration's Big Brother mentality.
Predictably, the White House, the Justice Department, the Peace Corps and the departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and Education refused to answer questions about the program’s implementation.
Feel a little uncomfortable about expressing your thoughts about anything (unless you are a rabid left-wing ideologue, progressive, liberal, etc. who mocks white men, Christians, conservatives, etc.).
Wow ... people reporting on each, watching behavior of people around them, snitching.
The next thing will be that little children will be encouraged to report strange behavior in their homes so, you know, the authorities can check them out to determine if they're acting in an "approved" manner.
We told you what was coming.