Oct 07, 2008 23:39
So I haven't posted anything in here for ages it seems...in a nutshell: I go to SNU and work at the OKC Zoo.
I set a date for my recital: March 26th. This is actually for fun...I'm not a music major anymore so I don't have to do a recital. So I'm just going to be playing keyboard percussion...you know...marimba, vibraphone, and maybe some xylophone...
I'm addicted to rock climbing...I even bought a membership to Rocktown...I was there earlier...it's good times!
I've been ridiculously tired all the time lately...It seems as though I don't have any free time for a nap...granted this is mostly my own fault. Every week is the same with some occasionally additions or subtractions but at the moment it goes like this:
Sunday- Go to Church, eat lunch with family, and then generally head back to SNU in order to practice for a few hours and catch up on some homework.
Monday- I get to sleep in a bit! (I need to start working the mornings though…) I have a percussion lesson at 11am followed by percussion ensemble. That’s 2 ½ hours of percussion playing then it’s off to the zoo to work. I get off 5ish and head to Midwest City for the Church’s bowling league which is generally pretty fun too…then I come back to SNU and attempt to finish the rest of the homework that’s due for Tuesday.
Tuesday- Sometimes I have an 8 o’clock class and sometimes I don’t but basically I have class straight through till 5pm. Then I head to Rocktown to get some climbing in and the evening isn’t complete without some Taco Bell with friends. Then it’s back to SNU and then I attempt to convince myself to work on homework for Thursday.
Wednesday- I go to work…and then I go to Church…then back to SNU where I force myself to do any homework I haven’t done already…
Thursday- Class from 8am-5pm…and then I practice for a hour or so…then usually head to Rachel’s for a game night/Bible study (depending on the week). Back to SNU.
Friday- I go to the morning 7:20 prayer chapels…then I go to work. After work varies week to week…sometimes it’s just home, I’m thinking it’s going to be more rock climbing, and this Friday happens to be a show that Michelle’s having at her Church…
Saturday- Nothing…I’m free…I can sleep!!!
And then the week starts all over again. I need to find more time to practice…that’ll be interesting…I was going to try and work it in Wednesdays but I don’t know if that’s going to work out…basically it’s my own fault that I’m so tired…if I just cut out all the extra stuff I could probably get more sleep in…but that’s no fun! At least I quit drum line…so that gives me a little bit more free time.
So that’s my life…not like it matters to anyone…I just wanted to see my insanity in writing…It’s amazing to think I’ve made it through half a semester so far…Only 2 ½ more semesters to go until I graduate! December 2009 cannot come quick enough!