Feb 18, 2008 15:00
And once again with the wasting time...
My 15-page draft is about four pages right now. I know I have enough info to do the rest, I just can't bring myself to write it right now... I haven't even started on the other two things due this week, might do one when I finish this blog entry. My computer is ridiculously loud today. I think I might need a new one.
Janet and I are going to sign our lease this afternoon, yay! Wish we could move in sooner than August... :) Ryan said when he went to sign the lease on Saturday they had him take a 'Parental Guarantee' form, which we thought was a little ridiculous since we're all grad students and employed by the University... but whatever. It'll all be worth it for more space, no bugs and roommates I don't silently hate every day when they come back at four in the morning and wake me up.
Last night I actually went to bed early. I got really tired at about 11:45, so I just decided to go to sleep rather than do more work. I'm not sure if it was my subconscious telling me I haven't gotten enough sleep lately or that I just didn't want to do any more work, but I got my full 8/9 hours and was actually perky at nine this morning instead of ready to kill someone. I even took a shower before class (usually I shower at night).
I've been watching "The Complete Jane Austin" on PBS. Pretty good. Last week, this week and next week they're showing the BBC version of "Pride and Prejudice," which I've just caught parts of, but it's been quite excellent.
Is anyone coming to visit me for their spring break ::coughZaracough::? I'm pretty sure we don't have any scary bugs left in my apartment. I might have tons of work to do since I have to lecture that week, finish a research paper and write a "Prospectus" (whatever that is) for my Fauré paper, but I'd enjoy the company...