hooray for photographs!

Feb 23, 2007 09:03

I know I promised photographs last week. I'm sorry. To make up for it, here's a MASSIVE photo update of stuff I've knitted and crocheted the last couple months.

Here's Le Slouch, the big fluffy beret that I was sure would look HORRIFIC on me. It's not too bad, is it? All the ladies at work have really admired it. Even I have admit that it was worth the effort to do the whole thing in seed stitch rather than do the lazy stockinette version(the only thing I hate more than 1x1 ribbing is seed stitch!).

This is a hat I crocheted for Mike. The weather finally got cold enough in January that he admitted that a hat would be necessary while he waited for the bus in the morning. After I did a dance of joy, I worked this up in a few hours, and he's loved it. He wears it more than I've ever seen him wear a hat.

Same pattern as Mike's hat, only done for me. I love this color scheme SO much. Comfy, stylish, and warm. This is another favorite with the ladies at work. I've also done another for a friend, but haven't gotten a pic of her wearing it. Must remember if I see her this weekend.

Hooray for granny squares! Just a big ol' square of crocheting done to use up a bunch of old yarn. Some of that is the stuff Heidi passed on to me after a crochet project for Margaret, several years ago. Yay Heidi! This thing looks awesome on our denim blue couch, and the sucker's awful warm for having so many holes in it!

God, I seem to be crocheting a lot, don't I? I AM knitting, I promise. I've just been having a fling with the hook the last couple months. This is my absolute favorite thing I've created lately. It's just the perfect size, and doesn't need lining or anything. I take it all over the place. Perfect size for a book, my wallet/keys/chappie, my planner, and sometimes a small yarn project.

Glittens are the best thing since, well, gloves and mittens. These are some I designed myself from a mishmash of patterns. The yarn has been sitting in my stash for months, a gift from a VERY nice customer at Starbucks. 50% mohair and 50% merino wool makes these babies WARM, but they also contribute to the fuzzing and pilling you see there. I've had these for several weeks now, so they're not terribly attractive anymore, but the colors are still as lovely as ever. SEE!?!?! KNITTING!!!!!

Finally, a project I am very excited about. My mom gave me some really lovely yarn she bought in Paris at a market in 1985...making this yarn almost 22 years old! She asked me to do something with it for her, so I am working on a Clapotis for her anniversary next month. I don't know if I'm going to finish it in time, but perhaps it will work for Mother's Day. This stuff is sumptuous and incredibly fun to work with. I will take more pics once I have more dropped stitches.

In other news, the choir and orchestra is working on the Bloch "Sacred Service", which is a Jewish sacred service. We're doing this work with the orchestra and choir from a temple in the area, so last night's rehearsal was devoted to learning how to sing in Ashkenazy (spelling help, Ari?) Hebrew. VERY amusing to hear 60 year old southern folks speaking Hebrew for the first time. Not that I was much better...and anyway, I'll probably be playing timpani for it, so I'm mostly learning for fun.

knitting, music

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