I've Got a Long Way to Go Before Running a Marathon

May 28, 2007 15:12

I've noticed, that when I'm near the end of my endurance level when riding my bike, one of my feet, typically the right one, starts lifting off the pedal and pounding back down on it for added push. It's kinda neat.

I biked up and down Bethany Lane today, land of the many hills and valleys. It was tiring, but in the good sort of way. It makes for a nice start to this summer's training regime.

Yes, you read correctly.

I'm tired of having a low endurance level. So, this summer, bring on the heat and the sweat. I'm going to make every effort to bike and walk/run everyday. Since I don't run much (at all) I'll be walking for the most part until I get stronger. But I'm totally pumped. And, if anyone would like to join me, there's an open invitation on the table at all times. Just don't expect much conversation.

That's it for now, but keep an eye out for more updates in the future.
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