
May 25, 2005 15:07

After my dreadfully depressing evening on sunday, i awoke too shooting pains in my right lower ab area. being the hard ass that i am, i showerd up, and went to drumline anyway. Pain got worse, andy got angry. So, after coughing up blood,(yes this is gross, sorry), I went and checked my self into an emergency clinic. After spending the better half of my evening under surveylance, i was transported by ambulence to POH in pontiac. After consultation with a few "Grabby" doctors, and three surgeons, it was decided that my apendix needed too come out.

So, i had surgury yesterday. it was not fun in any way. i do not like hospitals at all.

so, now i am writing this, at home for the first time, with three holes in my stomach, and minus one organ.

Don't mind the spelling, meds are still wearing off......

murph made me a card. i love it!
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