May 8, 2007

May 13, 2007 23:44

Stupid drunk frat-tastic douchebags
Current mood: pissed off

So it's 2 in the morning and there are the loudesst, most idiotic drunk assholes outside my building that I have heard the entire semester! I don't care that it's 2 in the morning and they are yelling, I do care that they are racist assholes who keep yelling anti-Japanese racial remarks. What I also cannot figure out is WHY they are doing this. There are no Japanese people anywhere near them so far as I can tell. Also, they keep yelling at Shelbourne, my building, not the people in it, but the actual building...what idiots. I am simply amazed at how stupid these assholes really are. Well, I am off to bed.

Currently Watching :
The Golden Girls - The Complete Second Season
Release date: By 17 May, 2005
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