Well, it started at midnight. I was sleeping, dead to the world, due to sciatica pain, vicodin & flexeril. I had to get up at 8am to go take the Associate Personnel Administrator exam for the state. That took 2 hours, simply because I had no fucking clue what I was talking about. I think they expect us to know the Civil Service law inside & out to take this test. Well, I work for the Dept. of Health, I'm not in the personnel area, nor am I a manager, so my brain was simply in the "state-mode" to answer questions. I don't know if any were right or not, but it's done. If I get a passing score, I'll be surprised. Ehh, no big deal, I'm on the PMI track, so I'm guaranteed my 18 at the very least.
While waiting to start the test I wrote about 200 words of a subplot. I think I'll finish the subplot, then get on to the beginning of the story. I forgot my outline notes, so I need to refresh myself on the antagonist motivation. I know it's revenge, but I can't remember which scenario I chose to occur, in which the revenge is taking place. Gotta love forgetting.
Well, I think I'm going to get the computer booted, and Word up so I can type whenever. Got some 50% off candy (Reeses Bites) and some Candy Corn for Mato. Get thee out to get cheap Halloween candy. That's what today is for!!
Off to type!
Edit: Subplot started - 1291 words (one hour). I wonder what I could do if I wrote for three days straight. LOL!!