(no subject)

Nov 23, 2006 01:37

life envavils n wails somemore
i find miself sitting in missouri
the sky here is so awesome
ill be back home in awhile
well, its diffrent to call east lansing home
im tieing myself up there anyways
endebting myself fully...now ill be pretty fricken deep in it all
depending on how nice the courts are to me
ill be back to attempt to raise enough to move on agian
hopefully i can cashier
its a possibility
damn though
i lost everyone contacts again, its this fun thing i do
anyone from g-rarp know nicole's digits
i need to get ahold of her yet i seem to be lacking
whisky drip iis the shit hopefully itll fly someday
you can check out the myspace if you feel intrest
i still hold on to emotions for each city i land in..
i miss the placs ive been and of course louth to stay in the one im at
well not louth, but feel the need to keep moving
i feel as though because i stopped my travels i have also trapped myself
and keep being sucked into too moving into my hometwn again
damn ragidy sucks me in....im too fricen close
yet i may be moving back...i gotta see my mum alot more then i do
and i could expand on things i think are important...
is that just an excuse?
life is still so good though
so fucking lovely
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