Saturday was our wedding! It didn't rain even though many weathermen and some concerned cermonial attendents were weary!
Our honeymoon was at Shannon's father's cabin and it was wonderful! No noise, lots of birds and many many trees (duh!) One morning there was a deer out in the yard (very cute!). The second day Shannon had to go into town to get some milk and butter (the cabin has a propane refridgerator and stove plus a wood fireplace) and brought back his father's dog, Ruby!
SO A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. We spoiled her rotten.
Shannon leaves for Harrisburgh to visit his mom and sister (and niece!) Thursday morning. Then on Saturday he leaves the state for Virginia. =(
I uploaded my wedding pictures to
facebook but if you don't have me on facebook or are too lazy to look I uploaded them to my
photobucket as well. And yes, before you ask the pictures in photobucket are uploaded backwards. =( I guess I'm not very photbucket savvy.