Don't Trip

Mar 23, 2003 18:41

Little funny story for everyone incase your day's not going to well.
This will definatly cheer you up...

~Picture This~
Before I went over to Jason's house today, I was going to throw a load of clothes into the washer before I left. So I gather abunch of clothes, put them into my laundry basket and headed to the kitchen to go downstairs. I stepped over my dog Sparky trying to to trip and fall. Go to step down onto the landing, and there is my dogs tennis ball, since I had a load of clothes in my hands at the time...I did not see the ball. I step on the ball, slip (clothes basket flown in the air),tumble down the stairs,
t-shirts, socks, underwear & bras flying everywhere, crash into the side of the basment wall, and lay there for a minute or two.
Stood up a few minutes later, brushed myself off, began to pick up all my belongings and walked it off. Now i have a bruse or 2 on my hips, and my head hurts. But if I had the pleasure to witness what happend to me, Im sure that I would have laughed my last off too.

Enjoy my lil incident...
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