Jun 29, 2008 21:22
lost two pounds!
well yay for fucking me.
my mother is pissed.. violin or something.
how does she not realize that a lot of the time i hate her, and i damn well know she wishes i wasn't born.
but hooray for me.
i know where the craft knives are kept. sharp little fuckers, ACCIDENTLY and I'm actually serious on this, i have accidently cut myself in art with those by just brushing past them. why are they given out to a semi-insane class?
the governers board is obviously as crazy as i am.
reading perez hilton.
george clooney and the multiple strikes in Hollywood. why is he always in the middle of it. he REALLY enjoys the whole peacemaker, veteran kind of image *y'know guys we shouldn't do this, i'm george clooney for chrissakes, this is not how i swinG* that he's got going on.
meh, what do i know? Answer that fuckers.
What makes my mood worse?
My asshole brother took my fucking earphones to some shitty all-boys holiday, where they think they'll all get laid by hot girls who are gagging for it. Reality check; they're in Cornwall. Enjoy, boys.
AND: yup there's an "and". I'm so suspense building/a prententious bitch
my mother lent me some which my brother's friend had left round here a while back, so just so y'all know they are not hers. and we had this argument over the violin and how I play it (badly) and took them back. Little bitch.
I actually offered a truce, but she goes.. see below, transcript and all that.
Me: Dinner smells good then..
*awkward silence*
Her: Hmm
*........searching for appropriate words on my part*
Me: Truce?
Her: *ANGRY FACE, shouted* No! You do this everytime, nice so you get what you want, and then turn all nasty and bitchy about the violin! I'm so fed up!
and that was it really.
Btw, I still have fuck all idea what I got by being nice, and all I said about the violin was that I wasn't starting with my scales.
Mainly pissed about the earphones. They're actually my part of my little obsession: walking around a table with my iPod in repeatedly.
Pointless? Yes
Satisfying as hell?
I need to put my little puppy to bed, wash my hair and obliterate the spot on my forehead.
all before 10:15, but the spot is a stubborn fucker and I may need till Christmas.
That is all.