Sep 01, 2005 17:43
Well, I was waiting and waiting. With my duffle bag by the door, filled with enough stuff to last me 7-10 days...well, I found out today that for the moment, they are only taking pople who are 11B qualified. These are infantry troops, they will be there by saturday to help restore order to new orleans... If you watched the news, or haven't, They are having major problems with people looting and stealing... I feel for these people and I see nothing wrong with trying to survive the conditions that they are in, but when it comes down too killing and shooting at eachother, now that's just too far...
Well any ways, the infantry troops will go to help restore order and get everything under control...
As of now, if we go, it will be in a couple of weeks for support...
Everyone, keep your fingers crossed for me cause I really want to go and do my part...
and please, keep your prayers coming for those in need and send some prayers for the troops that are there and that are on their way.