Many people will say What will you get fangirling an Idol? At your age, you are supposed to act matured and think of reality, your too obsessed with him...
of course, I do, I remember having a life, me and my family had a great bonding in reality, My bffs knows how much I adore him, I am not a close type, I really love to express my thought and feeling.
I am not 24/7 awake in a page, stalking my Idol, Updating the page, talk to this wall like he is my boyfriend/husband/bff etc. etc. etc.
I am 101% sure He don't know this page is existed, I maybe delusional fan coz I can protect him but as much as possible, even if I get angry to his haters, I avoid clashing to them.... for his reputation, coz I wanna believe Kamenashi's Hyphen are the best fans in the world.
I didn't gain anything, it is just for love. I can accept his Ups and down, his imperfections, and his complex personality as an Idol.
I have too much to think of my reality, I have to resolve my struggle in everyday life, I just can't be lonely and feel down coz I did not succeed in life. life goes on...
He just really make me happy, fall in love and make me a perv. If there is one thing he took away, is my ability to fall in love in other guys coz he get the qualifications I dream. If he is ruiner or a bitch? Yes he is, both... but as same time, I benefits and gaining new world of fantasies, getting new friends, getting inspired.
Someday, I might end my fan girl moments, tho I will let the memories stay... and be happy.
love you babe.. ๐๐๐๐๐