Title: Wrong 2/2
Characters: Sherlock & John
Word Count (if fiction): ~1400
Rating: PG15
Summary: Sherlock comes home to find John packing
Spoilers: First season
Warnings: Angst
Disclaimer: Don't own Sherlock or John
My table:
This is for
red_chapel who won my auction in
red_chapel Part 1 (
Part 2 )
Sherlock has experimented enough with cocaine enough to be able to have an informed opinion about which form is less likely to give him a headache. I like the subtlety of that.
I see you've been careful to make Mycroft sign his texts the way he did in TGG, instead of following his brother's style. Good catch.
(Also, "That bad?" *would* be Mycroft's attitude toward being asked for help.)
It says something about Mycroft, or possibly just about his relationship with his brother, that he didn't deign to visit Sherlock until he'd been "detoxed sufficiently".
You've gone through friends before, Sherlock. It's not like you to take it so hard.
That's cold, albeit observant. I suspect Mycroft doesn't *do* friendship much, does he?
Entering the flat nearly broke him.
A stack of case files sat untouched on the coffee table, gifts from Lestrade.
Lestrade *does* know what "gifts" Sherlock would appreciate.
Sherlock's observations about John - that he doesn't like cooking for just himself, that he's had a lot of late nights and has been a little careless with his lab work - interesting. I'd say he's showing signs of missing Sherlock and not liking *his* empty flat much more that Sherlock likes the empty 221B, but I'm not surprised that Sherlock doesn't see it.
Also a nice touch that John threw himself into a new specialty that would soak up his time and energy (and just incidentally act as a distraction).
He was too focused on his hatred for whatever man or woman John had met at the surgery.
I'm actually of two minds about this. Sherlock made it sound in part 1 as though he were considering a relationship only to get John to stay, not that he was *interested* for its own sake - I get why John wouldn't accept that. I can see why John would try to move on and date somebody else.
On the other hand, Sherlock - it's only been about 5 - 6 weeks since he moved out. I doubt he's *actually* over you. The relationship with the new significant other looks to have either a short or an interesting trajectory, in my opinion, if whoever it is happens to be perceptive enough to catch on to John having unresolved issues about his flatmate / friend.
Not that he / she would dump him straightaway, necessarily, but it looks like something they should talk about to find out where new-SO stands with John. If John acts as he has in the past and spends all his free time with Sherlock at the expense of new-SO, certainly new-SO ought to put two and two together with "moved back in with old flatmate / sorted it out" and gather that there is *something* there.
Sherlock has a point - this is shaping up to be trouble. John now has a demanding job in a new specialty, so that will take up much more of his time.
(I can also get why Sherlock wouldn't say anything at this point - he might not care to admit that he really *is* interested in a relationship, and in any case the timing would be bad.)
Well done; sets up a potentially interesting ongoing situation...
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