Title: Ah-May
Characters: Sherlock/John
Word Count (if fiction): 221
Rating: G
Prompt: Sherlock has a Furby. He talks to it. John is worried.
Warnings: None here.
Summary: My first 221B! Aren't you proud? <3
Disclaimer: Don't own Sherlock or John.
My table:
http://marill-chan.livejournal.com/4488.html John knew it was going to be a strange day when he heard Sherlock talking to something that sounded like an alien child in the other room. He left the kitchen and his morning coffee to wander into the hallway to Sherlock’s rooms.
“I’m BOOOOOOORED,” said the high-pitched garbled voice as John approached.
“Shut up, we’re not talking about that anymore, Ah-May,” said Sherlock. “Go to sleep now, Ah-May.”
“Noooo. Want dance!”
John knocked. “…Sherlock? What is going on in there?” There were two possibilities in John’s mind. Either Sherlock had a Furby or he was in there practicing voices and very likely parting with his mind. John knew about Furbies; he recalled them with a little shudder. When they had first come out, he’d seen dozens of children who’d brought those horrible little things with them on check-ups. Whenever a Furby had started blinking and moving without talking, just making that ominous mechanical noise, he’d had to excuse himself.
“Go away, John, Nothing that concerns you is going on in here!” Sherlock yelled, sounding a little panicked.
“Sherlock, I’m coming in there,” said John, wrenching the door open, unsure what he was about to see.
Sherlock was glaring at a little white, fluffy Furby toy, which was mocking him with little dance moves.
It stopped moving. Then it whined, “Boooooored!