Title: Ophelia
Characters: Sherlock/John
Prompt: Sherlock and John get a chick and a duck.
Word Count (if fiction): 400
Rating: T
Summary: Based on Chandler and Joey on Friends...how do Sherlock and John end up with two barnyard fowl?
Warnings: References to animal cruelty, but I mean it's Sherlock...
Disclaimer: Don't own Sherlock or John.
My table:
http://marill-chan.livejournal.com/4488.html “John, I need your help,” beckoned John from the living room. This phrase was uttered with relative frequency at 221B. John had agreed to help with such bizarre situations as Sherlock needing a bowl from a low cabinet, Sherlock’s hand getting caught in the drain, and once when he had to help hide a body under the sink.
So it was exciting whenever Sherlock called him in there, simply because John could never anticipate the reason.
This time, Sherlock had a baby chicken on the kitchen table and was petting it on the head with one finger. John was a little confused, but said “Awww. What’s that for?”
Sherlock flipped the chick onto his back, its tiny bird-legs kicking madly. “I need you to make an incision down the midline and do a myotomy.”
John’s jaw dropped. “What? No! Why?” he demanded.
“I’m recreating a crime scene on a very small scale,” said Sherlock, petting the chick on its belly, which seemed to calm it. “This chicken represents the victim, whose abdomen was flayed open with some muscle tissue absent.”
John moved toward the chick without saying a word and snatched it up, holding it to his chest protectively. “Sherlock, you are not going to mutilate this baby chick! I’ll buy you an anatomy doll for God’s sakes!”
Sherlock appeared to think this over. “If I take it back to the lab, they’ll just use it for some other kind of experiment.”
John looked at the tiny yellow head. “Then we’ll just keep it,” he decided, nodding. “We’ll make it a pet.”
Sherlock sighed in relief. “Good. I named her Ophelia,” he said, going over to the fridge.
John blinked, realizing what Sherlock had done to him. “So you just tricked me,” he stated.
Sherlock put a little bowl of food on the table. John put Ophelia next to the bowl, and she began eating immediately. “I knew that you would like her,” said Sherlock, “but only if you had to protect her first.”
John looked displeased at that, but stroked Ophelia’s back with his finger. “So, did you really get her from the lab at Bart’s?”
Sherlock nodded. “And they don’t just experiment on chicks. It’s all sorts of baby birds.”
John tutted, “That’s terrible.”
A loud quacking was heard from the bathroom. John glared at Sherlock who managed to look fascinated at Ophelia’s antics skittering across the table.