My LiveJournal Trading Card

Dec 15, 2009 11:43

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition


User Number: 6676517

Date Created:04/03/2005

Number of Posts: 420

Mary has had a LiveJournal account for several years, but has only been posting on it frequently for about 2 1/2 years. She'd post more if she had her own computer.Strengths: She is passionately dedicated to the people that are importan to her. And no matter what happens to her, she never loses faith in God.Weaknesses: She angsts way too much of the time, and the way she worries seems to be unhealthy. And she procrastinates on things she's supposed to do.Special Skills: Can apparently eat like a horse and not gain much weight. Also holds a blue belt in Hakkoryu Jujutsu. Weapons: Hope, faith, and an insane love for the people she cares about...and her kitty that likes to scratch things.Motto: Love yourself for who you are, and don't let the bastards get you down.

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