Jan 25, 2005 21:39
Tonight marks my one-year anniversary of not cutting! Congrats to me, my mother bought me flowers and took Roy and I out to dinner (I ate to much). It's unbelievable that for one year through all of the hard times and the cravings and urges, and low points I have yet to pick up a knife.. Well I can't say I haven’t picked up a knife so for one year I have not cut.
It's crazy that one year ago I was pretty much in the worst point of my life so far, and now I'm the happiest I've ever been. I always thought people were bullshitting me when they said things would get better, but I guess with time and trying it really does get better. I know I wouldn't be here, this happy, without Roy. There's no chance of that.
I Love him.
Last week was midterms. I actually did okay. So far C's across the board but I've only gotten 3 midterm scores back. Science I missed 37 questions.. Better then most people, but he's also going to grade on a curve, which would nock me up to -27. Spanish I think I was an 82, and Algebra I think I was an 86.. So maybe I hit 1 B.. I'm not sure.
I'm now taking 4 new classes; I switched Intro Foods, for Culinary Arts. I switched Civics for World Geography. I switched Health for Physical Education. I switched my only study hall for Drama (whatever, an extra credit, I have no real interest in drama other then play writing.)
Teachers seem okay ok so far, only 3 new ones.
Lifes going really well.
Last week, Roy and I put on a few layers (me more then a few.)And went out and played in the snow. He made a snow angel, and there was a lot of tackling and kissing in the snow. It was the best ^^