Nov 28, 2009 17:41
My straight man is more or less a non-entity right now. In this world I'm creating with weird, self-obsessed characters, he's supposed to be the one you identify with. Unfortunately he's so much of a surrogate-type character that he's really just kind of there. That's no good. My favorite straight men characters are just as well-developed and individual as any other character. It doesn't help that I'm pretty balls at making up interesting young male characters. I'm not sure doing a character profile will help; I don't think tacking on random things about him will help so much as developing some sort of -- I don't know. Personality. Bleh.
The leading lady is pretty much completely unlikeable and I made her that way by design, but I have to make her a empathetic if not sympathetic character. Also a challenge.
And my plot has a wonderful point C, and point A is okay, but the whole middle's a bit up in the air. I've got a bunch of different plot threads and have no idea how to put them into one cohesive storyline.
So basically I have some work to do. I'm excited for it. I'm hoping to go back up to Butte County on Tuesday, maybe check out their historical society.