Today was...

May 13, 2005 18:16

Welcome to another eposide in the homocidally inner minded:

Marik "Rawkus-Josh" Keyes's life

Every day i come to school with a positvie attitude. But the fucking  6th grade faggots all way piss me off.

Can't wait for sherbeck carnival tomarrow.

Also i have to go on some goddamn walk around the zoo for some damn kid who made a (make a wish) he could travel all over the world.

The MOTHER FUCKING wish foundation has to have some walk to raise money.

GOD MOTHER DAMNIT  Saturday is my only day of the fucking week i get to myself to unwind from a hard week.

It was supposed to be berkley days, and saturday morning cartoons.

Fucking woman who calls her self my mother decided, Brent can raise money. The hell boy keyes can.

It's for fucking berkley days, So tonight (jinx day friday-13-2005)  is gonna be a war zone at my house. (if you hear gun shots it's all right)

7th hour today i saw the movie on how some popus bitch got the flu.

Cory hedding came up to me and he grabbed my hand (7th hour) I thought the kid had lost his mind, because i thought he was gonna ask me to dance or someshit.

The kid lifts me above his head and drops me on his shoulders and calls out F-U.

I swear i thought he was gonna do somewrestling move.

I'm not rene dupree, or JBL damnit.

I'm a human being. Dan turgzi ended up stealing like 7 jolly ranchers when we were supposed to have 2.

1st hour, jennifer l. Inspired me to return to my shit LJ. Which ring master TJ had grasiously delivered me from by his inspiring use of swearing. (math class)

2nd hour, i worked on a story i one day hope to get published. (i'll post it in a week or two) I was also asked if i wanted to go out with lauren g. by bobbie.

What the hell was i thinking saying no?

3rd hour, not much happend. LaMar was not in class. Third hour is art.

4th hour, with mr bratta. I read 2 chapters in the book the outsiders.

5th hour LRC. I fooled around on lj, and hot mail.

I'm also feeling pretty horny, and hyper today.

I went over to darin's house and played Gauntlet legends on n64.

We fooled around some too. Little child needs some respect before thinking about punching my knuts.

Later on i'm going to get jogging shoes.

Dear readers if you enjoyed this you rock.


Kyle, Your a fag.

Asad, If your reading this thanx. Ur a great XD leader. Keep teasing kwkis on how gay he is. He's bound to leave sooner or later.

Shaz, much love for you, baby. 
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