Jan 07, 2010 23:56
It was a terrible Christmas... Not going to go into details (too much) but it just got to a point where I realized that I wasn't a priority to anyone (and yes I include family there)... so when I was already festering and at the brimming point Crush insists that he wants to see me. We had been talking a lot and it was nice and sweet and I thought (foolishly) that it must mean something if he wanted so insistent to see me on Christmas.
He was such a jerk. The bubble I lived in was burst. The worst thing was that he couldn't understand why I got upset. For the next few days all I wanted was an apology. That won't happen I know... but sadly there's no magic on/off button for emotions.
Ironically the one place where I have felt comfy is in the classroom. Even psycho child has been better...
We'll see what happens...