It has been a good while since I've written anything at all, or actually even opened this site. I haven't felt like it. Lot of stuff has happened, both in rl and in game, and I have been hermitting, if that even was a word.
Zen broke, leaving me with basically no obligations to ffxi, except a Nyzul set twice a week. I could write tons about it, but not going to. It's gone and it's probably for the best. Trying to look forward and hoping I'll start feeling like playing xi again. Even though I don't really call it a break, I guess that's what it really is. I'm enjoying myself when in game at least, which is a step forward. I'm not going to push it, just take it easy and wait till I feel like playing again.
Meanwhile, I've been keeping my promise to Ench and ordered WoW. So I've been spending evenings being a noob doing all possible silly stuff. I can't say I dislike the game. I don't love it, but it has it's charming sides. I have a few favorites, being able to sleep in beds is definitely one of the best things, also sitting on chairs and benches. Then there is an item called wrapping paper. It comes in five forms, but I have only two so far. Right clicking the paper and then clicking an item makes it into a neat little present. Also pets, pets are awesome! I wish there were pets in xi. I have purchased a parrot from a little coast town called Booty Bay, which is my favorite town in the game and reminds me strongly of West Indees. I only wish you could name your pets. Also, they don't sit down to rest when you do, so my parrot would still be flying around when I'm lying in a bed. It looks silly. I have also farmed myself this little cat:
This would be my solo character, which I have on Kenny's server, I also have a dreanei shaman which I'm supposed to level with Ench, but we have really hard time finding time.
Just doing my best to have a good time and enjoy myself. Being on NA servers I solo a lot, but I have done some instances and I've gotten compliments for my healing! I thank my WHM 75 for knowing how to keep people alive, as my general knowledge of WoW is rather low. I know more about what items I can craft and where to buy what pet than about playing my job.
And now I've been sitting here for so long I'm starving. Well, I've been sick for days, so that is my normal state. Bread and rice and boiled fish ftw!