фром KhakaSSia

May 14, 2012 08:58

Оригинал взят у anadoluolgy в фром KhakaSSia

О! "Наша Раша Тудей" считает что надо писать KhakaSSia.
Сомневаюсь я.
Лучше уж Khakasstan.
Как я понял, русским живется в Хакасии хорошо

RT presents the South Siberian Republic of Khakassia - where people still warship a 4500-year old fertility goddess and adore the mountains, rivers and steppes in their primitive beauty.

Khakassia is a land of paradoxes. It is unpredictable like the weather in the steppes yet absorbing and authentic like the songs of the wind. The land has never been rich enough to grow gardens, yet fertility is its main deity.

A statue of a pregnant woman stands in a local museum-turned site of worship. It dates back four and a half thousand years. Generations have come and gone but she has stood firm, hearing the people’s prayers. Women still believe that if one cannot get pregnant she should walk around the statue three times and make a small sacrifice of dairy products to have the problem miraculously solved.

Россия, хакасы, Наш народ

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