cleaning house

Dec 24, 2004 01:38

i been cleaning my house for about 2 hours its so weird trying to clean while someone is asleep in the other room (my mom) i wish i had some help but nobody else is here to help me i want the house to be clean as one of my moms christmas presents but its kinda hard there is so much to do she likes it when i clean the house compared to if my sisters did it cuz i kno how to clean properly and my sisters dont their version of cleaning is only picking stuff up mine is washing floors and vacuuming and doing laundry and things like that.But i cant vacuum right now and i got a load of laundry in the washer and one in the dryer. There is so much laundry piled up on our laundry table that i cant fit anything else on it so i have to go through it and figure out what is whose. there are like 15 loads on there and it would take me so long i dont think ill be able to go to sleep tonight i should have started sooner but i had to wait for my bf to leave for the night hes coming back in the morning to spend the holidays with me and my mom and sister he doesnt celebrate christmas he thinks it an invention of the third reich or something so im trying to give him a reason to like it but its hard his whole life hes been abused and stuff ,i dont want to get into it, and hes never gotten anything from his parents and he doesnt kno his real dad and he thinks his life sux he said the only time he feels happy is around me which is sweet but i want him to be happy all the time i got him his first presents ever and i got him his own stocking and place at the christmas dinner table and everything hopefully he will have a happy holiday here with me ,god do i hope he does, if he doesnt like this holiday ill just have to try extra hard at valentines day which is exactly one week before his 21st birthday he says hes never had a happy birthday either so i have to change that too lol i hope he is happy this year i kno he has a bad home life but hopefully he can have a good home life here with me thanx for listening to me ramble on marijuane
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