May 10, 2012 19:21


I think I hate Zhaan. I feel badly about it but what can you do. It’s been a progressive development - I didn’t always hate her. My first time through I really liked her quite a lot, and I was deeply saddened by her death! But every subsequent rewatch, I just find her more grating. The mood-swings, the constant unhelpful panicked moans and cries, the hypocrisy (Oh, today I’m really spiritual… Oh, today I’m a raging bitch) - it all just bothers me now. She had to have been the most inconsistent character on Moya. Never any telling how Zhaan will respond to trouble, except that it will probably be irritating! And I’m sorry, but I just never bought her whole deep-rooted darkness, so red-eyed-Zhaan-I’m-not-pursuing-the-seek (spelling?) just never interested me at all. Oh, and… Zhaan and Stark?! Weird and not enjoyable! Creepy relationship built on them being the two most annoying people on Moya, I believe.
How I’d like for her to have died? Honestly, I still feel bad that she did. There’s a part of me that feels morally obligated to like her. Maybe it could have turned out that Delvians are sort of the equivalent of truffles for some species out there, and someone would show up with their Delvian hunting boar and gather her for use in some giant vegetarian feast that was coming up!


I really hated M’lee. I didn’t like her teeth, I didn’t like her voice, I didn’t like her plot, I didn’t like her episode. I like her so little that I am honestly not sure that I can think of 150 words to write about it because I avoid watching that episode so strenuously. She was just really horrible and not at all compelling as a minor character - no disrespect intended to Francesca. I honestly still don’t know what her deal was - was she bad? Or was she a good ‘person’ who just periodically needed to eat meat? Or am I thinking of Zhaan in Home on the Remains? I don’t know. I hate her too much to even go look at an episode summary and see if I’m remembering it right. Those lights in her head were just bizarre. I am generally in full disapproval of everything M’lee related.

I’d have liked her to die shortly before her episode began, someone could blow up the planet. The moyans could all bear witness to the destruction of the planet without ever even knowing she was down there. Zhaan would be free to moan and over react melodramatically about the death of all of those beautiful plants (see rant above) and I would not have to listen to or view M’lee at any point. Everyone wins.


Most hated minor character is probably Grunchlk. But he’s one that I hate in the “love to hate” sort of way! He’s just so disgusting - pale and deathly, with that flaking skin. He’s skeevy and cruel and manipulative. A little bit like Rygel, but not quite as endearingly hilarious. And I have to talk about his skin some more. It’s just SO GROSS, all cracked and sloughing. Ick ick and ick. I always hated the way he treated the Diagnosian, maybe just because I thought the Diagnosian’s little trilling voice was so sweet that I intuitively like him/her/it. And, lest I understate this, I DO NOT approve of ANYONE charging exorbitant prices in order to agree to have the Diagnosian heal Moya! Moya is the most gentle of all creatures on the show, and deserving of care and kindness. Basically, Grunchlk ensured my deep and abiding loathing at the moment he jacked up the price to care for her.

I really would haved liked his death to come at the hands of the Diagnosian. I think the Diagnosian should have turned out to be a raging badass, who finally just got so sick of Grunchlk that he killed him, and then chirped prettily over Grunchlk’s fallen form. Then the Diagnosian would have healed Moya pro bono. Scorpy had a pretty good thought with having Grunchlk slowly eat himself, but that one was taken already.
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