7 more! From ADS...

Apr 03, 2012 07:21

1. Early bird or night owl, and why? Early bird - not by choice, just have always lacked the ability to sleep in. I blame my mom!

2. Which is worse: kids or people you have to deal with at work (but would rather not)? Work people for sure! I actually really enjoy kids, they make me laugh.

3. What's the most embarrassing thing you've done this year (that you will admit to)? Wearing my Farscape dogtag for like a month after the con. I actually wish I had it on right now lol!

4.Eema, pecs, abs, limbs (or squishy brains)? (You KNOW what I mean). PECS. yeesh!

5.You're having a hot-tub party. What 6 people, real or fictional, are you
going to get soaked with?

John Crichton, Aeryn Sun, Laura, Lisa, Jac and Gin ;) DEFINITELY not noranti and rygel!

6. Lunch today will be..... I wish it would be....

Probably Chipotle, which is the answer to both questions! Magical burritos!

7. Black T or Green T? tea or tee? Because if the former, green, if the latter, black
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