Nov 05, 2004 08:42
life is on the rocks so why aren't the rocks slippery? yeah i think Terrence likes me but i ain't sure and these new comps. in comp class suck there all oh look at us were flat screen and silent keyboards well i guess in a way they are cool but hard to fuckin work with courtney and i just found out that Chet our teacher hates her it all QUELLE MERDE? yeah look at chet klikin away at his comp like he is the shit hes a dumb fuck! yeah me and terrence have gotten awfully close and my so called friend is always around when i want to talk to him and its fucken poissing me right off!! yeah i am bored out of my mind right now watching or pretending to watch Lord of the rings in comp class and courtneys typing her little heart out in her journal and i have nothingto say so yeah i would write down my song lyrics but a lot of ppl would like them who already have bands and would try and steal them so caio baby