Furry Iron (Fifth and final chapter) Iron Man Fic (Rating PG)

Oct 31, 2011 18:39

Note: This is it, the final chapter.  Thank you to those who had reviewed this fic and to arcanelegacy for putting up with me all this time. 
Title: Furry Iron
Fandom: Iron Man
Character: Characters: Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, and Dr. Strange
Genre: Romance and Drama
Rating: PG
Summary: Tony woke up one day completely changed.  Dr. Pym, Dr. Banner, and even JARVIS couldn't help him.  But, could a mysterious eccentric Dr. Strange figure out what was wrong?
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics.  This is very late addition to the Comics Panel challenge in the its_always_been community in Live Journal.  This one features a scene inspired by Prompt number 6.  This is also inspired by "Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus".

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Furry Iron
Part Five
By Marie Nomad

"Die?  I thought you said this... this spell has a time set!" Pepper screeched at the top of her lungs.

"It does.  Thankfully, there is a difference between dead and really dead.  There is a very fine line but... it can be straddled."

Tony's mind worked as he tried to figure out the meaning to the doctor's words.  He remembered that the medical wing of Stark Industries had been experimenting with artificial hibernation which involved people being frozen until they could be cured.  Theoretically, their bodies stopped working until they would wake up.  It dawned on him, "You're going to kill me.  You will bring me back but first you will kill me."

"If your life force stopped, the curse think that it is no longer needed and end.  We must do that if we want Wanda to get well."

"That's dangerous!" Pepper argued.  "Tony's magnet is a huge unknown.  Anything could happen; he could die and not come back.  There must be another way.  This is magic!  Can't you just... magic this away?"

"Unfortunately, like the laws of nature, the laws of magic must be followed.  This book created a curse in exchange for Wanda's life force.  That is how the book was able to do real magic.  We could have Wanda be put through clinical death but she is ill.  Her body may not be able to handle a resurrection attempt."

Tony glanced at Wanda who was sitting on the couch looking guilty.  He wanted to get better and there was no way that he could kill an innocent woman to get rid of a curse.  "We have to do this." He looked over at Wanda and Pepper saw his look and sighed. 
"Fine, but we have to get prepared."


"Sounds like that we have to do a clinical death through hypothermia.  Your organs will slow down and stop while being preserved by the cold.  The death doesn't have to be long, just a minute should do it.   I have the equipment needed for this in my portable labs.  I can be there right away.  I'm taking Janet with me.  She's my assistant and I need as much help as I can for this procedure." Dr. Pym said over the Avengers communicator.

Tony fought the urge to refuse.  Finally, he decided that he had to put what was left of his pride away.  "Okay, fine, you can bring her along.  As long as she doesn't freak out about my appearance."

"She won't, trust me." Hank chuckled as he smiled slightly.  "I still don't know if this is the best solution.  Your arc rector would be damaged from this."

"I know I know.  Pepper's worried too.  Just come here."

"I'll be there in an hour."

"See you." Tony turned off the communicator and turned to the others.  "He'll be here soon."

"Good.  I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused," Wanda apologized again as she tried to get up only to get pale and she slumped down.

"Relax, my dear," Dr. Strange put his hand over her forehead.  "We will fix this problem but in the meantime, try to remain calm."

"Yes, Sorcerer Supreme." Wanda closed her eyes.

Tony just stared at her.  He knew that he had sex with her and left her like most of the women he had fun with in the past.  How could a girl that seemed so innocent curse him for something he did several years ago?  " Why did you curse me?  Other than the obvious reason."
Wanda looked down, hurt.  Pepper glared at him and Tony found the window to be fascinating.  "It's not about that." Wanda whispered.  "Yes, I was hurt when you left me alone in that bedroom but it wasn't like I was expecting more.  You had a reputation and I understood that.  It was fun and I regret it but that wasn't it at all."

"Then, what?"

"It's what you did to her." Wanda looked at Pepper.  "She has been by your side for ten years.  She has done who knows what for you and how do you repay her?  You made her your CEO.  Humiliated her at that party to make everyone think that you promoted her just because she has a hot rack.  After the Expo, where she risked her life without any protection just to evacuate that place, you swooped in, hogged all the glory, and demoted her back to being your secretary!  What you did to me, I'm okay with it.  You didn't know me from Eve.  But Pepper Potts was your loyal assistant!  I wouldn't have it.  That's when I found the curse and decided to just go ahead and make you feel like a dog!"

Tony had no idea that his actions had that effect.  He didn't promote Pepper because he wanted to humiliate her but because he trusted her.    He really hadn't thought of how those actions looked to others.

"It's not like that," Pepper defended.  "Tony made some mistakes-"

"He blew up his house!"

"He was making things right."

"How?" Wanda moaned, "Did he give you a nice shiny car?  Give you oodles of money?  Batted his big brown eyes and plead forgiveness?"

"Well-" Pepper sputtered.  She didn't want to give away the fact that she and Tony are dating.  She also didn't want to give away the fact that he did give her a very nice car and lots of money.

"How could you even stay with him in the first place?!"

"Child, please do not exhaust yourself." Dr. Strange ordered.  Wanda stared at him.  "It does not matter what Tony had done in the past.  Right now, focus on staying well.  Stress will not help you."

"Okay." Wanda laid down on the couch and closed her eyes.

Tony took Pepper's hand and gently led her to another room.  He wanted to talk to her.  He wanted to make sure everything was okay with her.  He might know a lot about robots and how to charm a person but he was still an amateur when it come to knowing how others feel.  "I'm sorry."

"Tony, it's okay.  Really, she didn't know any better.  You were dying."

"But, it still didn't make it okay," Tony confessed as he held her hand.  He was scared.  He didn't want to die but he had no choice.  He wanted to stay with her, be with her, be her knight rather than her beast.  "You mean everything to me.  What could I do to make things right?"

"When you go through that hypothermia, I want you to come back to me.  That's it.  Just come back to me."

Tony smiled slightly.  "I will do that, Miss Potts.  Don't worry, everything will be fine." They tenderly kissed.  Unseen by the both of them, Wanda peeked in and sighed.


Janet Van Dyne was an odd woman.  She was a superhero who can shrink down to fairy sized and still scare people at times.  Tony knew Janet from the charity parties that he frequented and had tried to woo her but failed.  He stopped after she managed to handcuff him to a pipe in his underwear.  He was still wasn't sure how she did that.  It probably was involved with booze.  They worked past the awkwardness when they had to fight together.

Despite the fact that they were friends, there were times when Janet just surprised him.

"You're so cute!" Janet gushed as she jumped up and ran her hands through Tony's beard.  "And so soft.  Is that cucumber?"

"Janet please..." Tony pulled away awkwardly.

"I can't help it... you're so fluffy..." Janet started to braid Tony's long hair.  "I wish I could keep my hair long but then it gets in the way."
"Janet, I need your help in setting up the equipment," Dr. Pym said as he grew to a larger size to move the furniture out of the way. 
"Right.  Right." Janet sighed as she helped him start setting up the equipment.

Hank looked at the electrodes connected to the sensors and then at Tony.  "The excess amount of hair will interfere with the electrodes.  I am going to have do something drastic." He reached into his bag and got out a syringe.  "I created special nanomachines that will track your life signs."

"I hate shots," Tony muttered as he held out his arm.

Hank carefully searched Tony's skin for a good place.  "You're about to be put into temporary clinical death and you're complaining about shots?"

"I always hate shots." Tony winced as Hank injected him.

Hank got out a device and held it up at him.  The device beeped and showed various images.  "Everything looks good."

"Will this stay in my body?  I have enough gizmos in my body already."

"Don't worry, they will cycle out of your body though your digestive system in twenty-four hours."


Tony stared at the long device.  It was a huge glass tube connected to wires and a massive computer consule at the front.  "So, I am going to die.  Actual death.  But I will come back."  Tony felt nervous, he was going to die and he wasn't sure if he will come back.  He closed his eyes and steeled himself.  He had to do this to get back to normal.  "Strange, if this doesn't work and I die permanently, I am going to sue you for everything you have," Tony warned as he lay down into the tube.

"I had been threatened with worst," Dr. Strange said as he smirked.  "May the Vishanti guide you and protect you."

"I want you to relax and breathe in the gasses.  I want to sedate you before the hypothermia," Hank said from an intercom.  "Count to ten."
"Got it." Tony looked at Pepper and whispered, "One, two, three, four...five...siiiix..." His eyes got heavy and he closed his eyes
Tony felt himself floating with no substance, no body.  He could see the stars above him and the earth blow him.  Before his eyes, he could see the past flew by him.  The colors looked brighter, air around him, cooler, and all his senses amplified to the point of near overwhelming him.  It was peaceful, calm, and he felt like he was one with everything.  All of a sudden, his heart hurt and he screamed.

Tony opened his eyes to find himself back in the tube.  "Ohhh..." He looked at his hand, his nice not so hairy hand.  "I'm back." He gazed at Pepper weakly.  "Hi." He struggled to get up only for Hank to put his hand on his chest.

"Take it easy.  We nearly lost you for a second," Hank said as he checked Tony's vitals.  "How do you feel?"

"Like I died." Tony felt his face and it felt hair free except for his goatee and short brown hair.

"You're making bad jokes, you're definitely getting better." Pepper took his hand.  She wiped her eyes with her other hand.  What was it about her and crying when he ended up okay?

"I had a weird near death experience.  I was one with the world in a very weird way.."

"That is normal," Dr. Strange confirmed as he double check Tony's vitals.  "Although, most others would speak with dead relatives."
"How's Wanda?" Tony asked as he looked around.

"I'm better, thank you." Wanda raised her hand.  Her skin was more full of life and her face just seemed fuller, healthier.  Tony sighed in relief.  That girl might have cursed him but she didn't deserve to get sick.

"This book will be locked away in my forbidden archives," Dr. Strange said as he put the book away in his cloak.  "Something this dangerous must not remain in amateur hands.  The book itself is needed to cast the spells, without it, the spells are merely fancy poems."

"Thank you, Sorcerer Supreme." Wanda bowed her head.

"Yeah." He owed the doctor for helping getting him back to normal.  "Say, doctor, Stark Industries have been working with medical advances involving nerve damage.  If we find anything that could fully heal your hands... can I call you?"

Dr. Strange's face lit up. "Of course!  I may be a Sorcerer Supreme but I do stay up to date on technology."


Pepper and Tony sat on the plane exhausted.  "What a day," Pepper muttered as she got out her blackberry to reschedule all the appointments back.

"What about me? I died today.  Seriously, I never thought I would be so happy to lose so much hair."

"I know.  Are you going to put up the runes that Dr. Strange suggested?"

"Maybe, it wouldn't hurt at least." Tony shrugged. "It could give the mansion some personality, besides JARVIS."

Pepper's head spun.  "You know, just when we have to worry about terrorists, murderers, nut jobs who wear costumes and pretend to be gods and stalkers, now we have to worry about curses!"

"That's what you get when you work for me." Tony wrapped his arm around her waist.  "Any regrets?"

"Not really."

The End

pepper potts, ironman, fanfiction, rating pg, tony stark, pepper/tony

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