Easter time

Mar 22, 2017 14:09

Time to take down the other decor and get ready for Easter. Yay. I still am coughing a lot but I do feel better than I did last week. I just wish it would go away for good. It hurt like hell at first now I am used to it unfortunately. Hubby seems better than me so that's good. Just pissed his job or his ahole manager is being a dick to him.
Nothing new there though. Forcing him to take a position he didn't want in the first place is a dick move. This guy has no respect for anyone working for him so no wonder people quit when they realize what that asshole is like. Not a great guy to be owning the business but he stays in business somehow. Just can't keep employees.
Just wish if he really is a Christian he would act like it. I think he really isn't not the way he treats people like dirt. Honestly I wish someone would punch him in the face. But doubt that would do any good. Just being pissed at him is enough.

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