Dec 29, 2007 14:30
Welcome to the end of 2007, arguably one of the best and worst years of my life. "Choose your own adventure", the tagline on the front of the book read. I wish I had gone to pages 43 and 87 instead of 56 and 22. But 45 and 62 worked out pretty well for me. If you know what I mean.
You don't?
The holidays are meant to be spent with the people we love. Unfortunately for most of us, we are forced to spend them with our families instead. For me that meant flying to the Pacific Northwest to sit in the cold and rain slash snow for 9 days with family who should be dead and can't always remember that they're not. It's a special time.
If, dear reader, you should ever be given the opportunity to choose between something you don't want to do and something you do want to do, always choose the latter. Don't waste time feeling guilty about shirked responsibilities. In fact, if responsibilities were not occationally ignored, they would cease to maintain their identities as responsibilities. Indulge yourself often enough to feed your soul, but not so much that you starve your bank account. Don't love someone because they are beautiful. Let them be beautiful because you love them.
Youth is wasted on the young, and I shall never grow old.