A dream is a wish your heart makes

May 11, 2007 04:59

What the fuckin' ever fuck.

The end.

except not really.

Can people please stop these ridiculously futile attempts at 'world peace'? How is not stopping to get gas on some arbitrarily designated day going to do anything? The day before and the day after everyone's gonna go get gas. Did you all miss the completely unsucessful "no gas days" in the last five years? Not that I think it would do any good, but if you're going to try to prove a point, at least say "no one buy gas for a week" or two weeks, or a month. Jesus. Who are you trying to send a message to? Citgo? Like they're really gonna go out of business because 250,000 people don't buy gas one day? For Christ's sake, what will they do if only 65 million people get gas on May 15th. Shut the fuck up.

On another note, who the fuck cares who started the war, if you can even call it that. We started it, they started it, Bush started it, Denis Hopper started it, the moon started it. GOD. It doesn't matter. Stop being shit heads. Bush is on his way out of office. He knows that. So he's going to do whatever he damn well pleases until then, and you can march in front of the White House with as many tagboard signs as you want and not buy gas as long as you can stand it, and no one will notice. There is nothing we, as the unsuspecting, auspiciously well meaning public can do about it. I'm angry.

In a completely different vein, my life is a waste. I need Clarence (was that his name?) to drop in and save me when I jump off this bridge, cuz I am dying to see how the world changes if I never exist. What if Desert Storm never happens? Maybe it was my fault, cuz I threw up on some guy in a Drug Emporium one day when I was 6 years old and he was trying to wipe it off his pants in the car and had and accident and killed some lady who just happened to be someone important's wife and put them in a bad mood so they voted yes on going into Saudi Arabia and then voila. I've been responsible for the liberation of Kuwait. Yay me.

So maybe I am never born, and this all never happens, and Kuwait is still under Iraqi control, and they're not so angry at America in general and 9/11/01 is just another day and ODU theatre doesn't suffer, and Apple, Inc. never has a "hot girl" work for them, and 18 people in Norfolk are left without someone to blame for the fact that they're fat and unhappy, and Charlotte stays in Tennessee with her four brothers and sisters, and no one is the wiser. This seems like a better plan than the current one. I'm going to take it up with God. I think I was a mistake.
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