Jun 28, 2010 22:58
i think about lonesome lj, but then it seems a better time for cooing and ooing or weeding or reading or staring off into cloudspace. so then i forget again.
i sang "it's now or never" at karaoke. ovation and then some. it's a deep deep song in tone and meaning, and i stayed with it through and through. by gum. is that a replacement for god? gum?
this vast computerland is unsettling. everyone reads about each other, but seem not to worry about the shudder-worthy word. oil in the water. it's just bad. i have so many ideas to fix things, but who to tell them to? certainly not the politicians. certainly not internet friends - that's a haven for the lazy narcissism of self-absorbed minutiae. twould seem. not to be holier or any such, it's just disheartening that there are so many distractions at the very time the collective would be better off awakening rudely. i'd almost prefer panic. followed by a commitment to cleaning all this shit up of course. i have a feeling that left to their own devices, the rivers would flush the assorted junk out in just a few cycles. it could work. especially if people could still power their assorted screens with unleashed hydropower.
or just give it up. look into eyes and skies instead.
my baby is truly wonderful. i want for us to be able to stay around together, watching things grow.