(no subject)

Oct 12, 2007 14:20

Both of the NPR stations I listen to have pledge drives going on today. So this morning on the way to work, I just flipped over to CD without bothering to check what was in the drive. Tourdion: Setting Sail. Well, there’s a surprise.

At first, as I was listening to “There is a Lass,” I felt my usual gentle smiling envy. There is so much love in that song.

Usually I find myself wishing that someone had given me a song like that. But today I realized that someone had.

His instruments were his hands, and his melody the growl of the saw and the whine of the sander. He sang his love in the graceful shaping of a quilt frame and in his prized Turkish rug under it to warm my feet. He sang it in the setting of concrete to frame herb gardens and a plum tree. He sang it in an Italian gown and a sturdy cloak, in drywall and paint, in exhaust pipes and water pipes and Bondo and leather.

There is soul-deep music there for eyes to see and ears to hear that can.

I have no room to envy anyone.

lochlainn, philosophical maunderings

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