(no subject)

Jun 14, 2016 12:02

I had a text-message conversation yesterday that absolutely tore me apart.

HER:  I wanted to say thanks again, by the way. For being totally awesomely cool for being my friend. Considering Orlando and that there are people who are not at all unhappy about what happened, you know, I wanted you to know how wicked awesome and special you are.

ME:  Aw, dammit. The simple fact that you feel gratitude for someone trying to be a decent human being breaks my heart. You're a good person. Your're fun to know. You're funny and talented and smart. I just don't get how the matter of who you do or don't choose to love, what gods or goddesses you do or don't honor, is anyone's business or why it should set you apart at all. You are an irreplaceable human being. That's all that matters.

HER:  What you wrote is why I love you so much.

Trying to live by the Golden Rule shouldn't be so unusual that it stands out to be remarked upon...
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