(no subject)

Dec 11, 2012 11:58

This conversation took place a few months ago. Now it's time to clean out the mailbox, but this is too funny to lose...

Sent: Wednesday, 8:53 am
Subject: a Friday sort of Wednesday...

I got a request this morning to update one of E.'s presentations, but needed some clarification on a couple of the items, so I called her.

One of the slides she referred to had nothing to do with the data she asked for. She laughed and said, “But of course - and here I thought you knew everything!”

I replied with, “Sorry, I left all my psychic abilities in my other pants this morning.”


Received: Wednesday, 9:30 am
Subject: Re: a Friday sort of Wednesday...

I don't know what is funny. >I< presume you know everything. Just as I presume D. knows everything. Easier for me. Plus, I'm correct more often than incorrect when I make that presumption.

Wait...you have psychic pants?


Sent: Wednesday, 9:32 am
Subject: RE: a Friday sort of Wednesday...

Well, that’s easy for you - D. *does* know everything. Whereas I am merely a fledgling at her feet.

It’s not the pants that are psychic - it’s the abilities that I carry around in my hip pocket. Except when I forget and leave them in my other pants. Which at least means they’ll go through the laundry; not a bad thing, sometimes, getting brain-washed.


Received: Wednesday, 9:39 am
Subject: Re: a Friday sort of Wednesday...

I was wondering if psychic abilities were washable or dry-clean only. Do they shrink? Wrinkle? Stain?


Received: Wednesday, 9:45 am
Subject: RE: a Friday sort of Wednesday...

That depends on how twisted and dirty they are. Some just need an old fashioned scrub and an ironing to get things straightened out.


Sent: Wednesday, 9:47 am
Subject: RE: a Friday sort of Wednesday...

Mine do tend to go through the wringer pretty regularly.


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