meme! - seven more words

Jun 13, 2012 14:30

The rules as I heard them: Comment to this post and I will pick seven things I would like you to talk about. They might make sense or be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

My seven words from loreleiskye: inspiration, chocolate, picnic, handcrafted, candle, granola, games

  • Inspiration

Comes and goes. Often the elusive Muse can be beckoned by slogging on at first without her intervention; yet when she comes of her own accord, the process itself is the reward and the end product a bonus beyond. Most of my best work has been the result of the lightning-strike kind of inspiration, rather than of the long, calm steady-state, but the less dramatic process has been more often personally satisfying.
  • Chocolate

Pudding for lunch today! I have a serving of dark chocolate of some kind at my desk every afternoon - no more than 200 calories’ worth, it knocks down the treat-craving that hits around 3:30 or so. I prefer dark to milk, though not the extra-intense stuff that pushes the line on bitter; salted caramel or nuts are a bonus.
  • Picnic

Bread and cheese, a chunk of salami or ham; grapes or pears, olives, nuts and raisins; a half-bottle of rosé and a thermos of tea. A sky dappled with light clouds, a breeze making music of the leaves overhead and the stream at my feet. A good book, a comfy cushion, and nowhere else to be or do for the rest of the afternoon...
  • Handcrafted

Merely calling something “handcrafted” is not a guarantee of quality, although that appears to be the selling proposition in use in the average craft fair or gift shop. “Craftsmanship” is a deeper path, a more intense focus, an awareness of material and design and skill and execution. I would rather have a good-quality commercial item than a poorly-handcrafted one.
  • Candle

In the wind, in the window, in a lantern in a steeple;

Dancing flame, bend and beckon, be a symbol and a beacon.

Flame of knowledge, flame of love, light mourning pall and wedding dove;

Flickering life, hope in the night, eternal fire burning bright!
  • Granola

Love it, but have to be careful how much of it I eat. The more nuts and coconut and raisins and seeds it has in proportion to the grains, the better I like it. I’ve played with making my own on occasion but it really hasn’t been worth the effort.
  • Games

It’s rather ironic that I’m not much of a game player, given that if it weren’t for RPGs I would never have met Lochlainn...Although that might have been part of what made me a good game editor: being able to stay focused on the language, logic and structure rather than getting caught up in the play. The only games that really engage me are the ones in which I compete against myself rather than against anyone else, or even the computer - solitaire, Tetris, and the like, that are based on sequence and visual pattern recognition and not on interacting with another player. Or, as I’ve commented before, I can play slot-machine-style video poker rather well - but only because the machine doesn’t bluff.


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