meme! - Seven Words

Jun 13, 2012 09:58

The rules as I heard them: Comment to this post and I will pick seven things I would like you to talk about. They might make sense or be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

My seven words from zsof: birds, music, spring, diet, quill, extrovert, beach

  • Birds

I remember the phoebe that nested under the eaves of the garage overhang, at the house where I grew up. We could see clearly into the nest from the kitchen window. Our coming and going didn’t seem to bother them, nor did Squirrelly the barn cat ever deign to so much as give a calculating glance their way. Nest to eggs to shards and naked younglings, tiny fledged puffballs, then flight and once again an empty bowl of grass.
  • Music

Music is life. It’s what kept me going through some of my darkest days. It’s how I celebrate being alive. It’s the bulwark of my Fortress of Solitude and the bridge across its abyss. It’s solace, it’s energy, it’s movement and repose; it’s as necessary as water and as intrinsic as breathing.
  • Spring

I prefer spring and fall to summer and winter. I think it’s the sense of transition and possibility, the mutability of seasons that are neither one nor the other. And, too, the weather is more to my liking - child of the North that I am, summer’s heat is unwelcome; but as my joints begin to proclaim their age the snow and extremes of cold become harder to bear as well.
  • Diet

A pity that it takes so long to discover what one’s body truly needs! And by the time that discovery is made, much damage is already done. I find now that I feel best with limited starches and sugars; when I keep them at 30% or less of my total caloric intake, both my energy levels and my digestive health improve. Now if only I would get up off my lazy fundament and get more exercise...
  • Quill

A feather of flight, helping words take wing
  • Extrovert

I’m not one. By any stretch of the definition. I can play one on occasion, but it’s difficult. I appear to have a specific and limited capacity for social interaction of any sort (including blogging), and when I hit those limits, I’m done - physically, mentally, emotionally - until I have time and solitude to recharge.
  • Beach

Grasses on the dunes, crystalline wind; a single trail of footprints where foam runs shallow on sand; the illusion of infinity as water meets sky.


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