(no subject)

Feb 12, 2012 19:55

Val Day was a lot of fun this year. The not-new-but-improved venue is, truly, improved. I was impressed.
  •  Managed to avoid the majority of the weather en route to site Friday afternoon, getting into K-zoo early enough to finish sewing the demi-chemise I wanted to wear on Saturday. (Someday I really want to take that particular drive in the summer or fall, when I don't have to worry about weather and road conditions, so I can be comfortable about stopping along the wine trail.) By all accounts, it was an unpleasant evening on the roads.
  • Spent half an hour or so helping (now Baroness! Woot!) Em get merchants corralled and unloaded; amazing that it was only 4 degrees out, there was bright sun and so little wind that I didn't feel cold at all. And we had fun.
  • Heralded Court for the first time and managed not to trip over either my feet or my tongue. Unless something pops up at Midlands A&S that requires HerRH to call a court, that was my only chance to get a little experience before Gulf Wars. Got to see surprise and delight on the faces of several friends. And we had fun.
  • Delivered - at long last! - Arrienne's Laurel Cloak 'o Doom. And there was great rejoicing (at least on my part).
  • Had an unexpectedly good day of merchanting thanks to Celtic Sun. Much reduction of old stock, thanks to some serious rationalization of pricing. And got some good responses to my description of the new MK shirt that will be up for pre-order soon. And we had fun.
  • Today's weather for the drive back was divine - clear skies and mostly clean roads. Stopped at The Chocolate Garden for some outrageously priced - and outrageously delicious! - truffles. And have only eaten two so far.
The car is washed, the laundry is running, I made beef paprikash for dinner (which I haven't made in years) even though I didn't have any sauerkraut for it, and now I'm going to go excavate the quilt frame and spend the evening getting it set back up in the living room.

A good weekend indeed. And we had fun.

sca, on the road!, life

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