5 things

Mar 14, 2009 01:32

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

norfacoflandra  gave me these:

1. Sensible:  I try. Don't always succeed. (Else I'd be in bed, instead of sitting here at the computer at this silly hour.)

2. Cheerful: I want to be the kind of person who I want to be around. I don't want to inflict my moods on anyone. Fortunately they don't usually last all that long anyway.

3. Accepting:  You can't fight life. It's like ordering the tide back out to sea, or the toothpaste back into the tube. Once I learned to accept what came, learn what I could from it, forgive it if necessary, and move on--my life became a lot easier. And the habit of doing so has stood me well in the last few years.

4. Geek: 'S'pose so. I like getting down into the nitty-gritty of how things work and where they came from. And I appreciate people who know what they're talking about.

5. Grounded: Watch a hawk on the wing, or a squirrel in a tree. See the first leaves of spring bulbs fight their way through soil and mulch into the living air. Hear the wind make maracas out of pine branches. Watch the high clouds scud against the moon, going from who-knows-where to who-knows-where. Then look at your own hands, your own feet, your face in the mirror, and ask how much the hawk and the squirrel, the wind and the tree and the clouds needed your help to do what they do so well. And when you answer that question honestly, you begin to know your place on the earth and the size of your space in it. It's hard to take yourself too seriously after that.


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