Leroy Sievers (1955 - 2008)

Aug 18, 2008 16:42

I've lost a friend whom I had never met.


Even though we all knew the end was coming, I don't think any of "Leroy's Army" expected it to be this soon.

I've been reading Leroy's blog for the past six months or so. He shared his journey with remarkable grace, honesty, and humor. Not only did I learn from what he said, but I was inspired to think and to re-examine what I already thought I knew, what I felt, and the paths that lay ahead of me. As he learned how to die, I think all of us who followed his story have learned more about how to live.

What an incredible legacy. The world is a poorer place for his passing--and richer for that he had been.


Leroy, I'm going to enjoy some little things for you tonight.

web goodness, life, philosophical maunderings

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