this is how it's meant to be

May 25, 2008 22:11

Quite a day. This has to have been the most emotionally charged Crown Tourney since the tourney for Ja'far and Kenna's heir.

The populace cheered so when Lutr and Tessa processed in among the combatants that tears ran down Tessa's face. The list was larger than I'd expected and not surprisingly heavy with Dukes. So far as I (not a heavy fighter but having watched a lot of fighting and listened to fighters talk) could tell, the fighting was fierce and honorable. I'm told that a few combatants facing Lutr offered to yield, but he insisted on fighting it out with each.

The end was as dramatic as anyone could've wished. Sir Lutr and Duke Dag fought one bout that ended in a sharp flurry, felling Dag. They each retired to change weapons for the second bout. I was standing near Dag's day-camp, and noticed that he took the time to carefully straighten his gambeson and hood, to remove his helm and put his Knight's chain of office on, before armoring back up and going to the list. The fighters were given the marshals' admonishment; then Dag stepped back and removed his helm. He spoke to the marshals, the Regent and the populace in very measured and calm tones, saying that so far as he was concerned Lutr had already honorably won his crown, and that he (Dag) would not raise his weapon against his rightful king. There was no way that Lutr could have compelled him to do otherwise, so he took it gracefully although seeming rather stunned.

The cheering was deafening, and at that point Tessa was far from the only one with wet cheeks. The coronation took place immediately, and then Their Majesties further endeared themselves to the crowd by inviting the populace to swear fealty first instead of after the Orders, Great Officers, and so on.

Despite the confusion and doubts of the past days, this was the right way. Simply yielding and refusing to give Lutr a proper fight would not have done him honor, but rather cheapened his accomplishment as if to say that it was a fluke, that he couldn't have done it again. But at the same time their honor and integrity were rewarded and their place in the people's hearts--as well as Midrealm history-- was dramatically assured. The fact that today was Tessa's birthday only made it sweeter.

The second tourney had quite a large list. The fighting was inspired--as though the morning's events had lit an internal fire in each warrior. There were too many good bouts and good shots to tell here. Gintaras fought well--he looks better in the lists each time I see him fight. I hope there are plenty of pictures posted somewhere of all our Midlands fighters, since they all have a right to be proud of the day!

When Sir Ullr, who was Lutr's head retainer during his Princedom, defeated Duke Edmond the feeling was absolutely electric. Not just to see the King's utter joy at seeing his swordbrother victorious, but I think also a sense of "new blood" and freshness that lies ahead after several repeat reigns. I do not mean to denigrate any of those Kings; they won fairly and by right. But it is a different feeling to have someone new on the Dragon Throne, a sense that the door is open to anyone with the skill and valor to try.
That feeling only grew during the evening Court. Their Majesties and Their Highnesses were so obviously happy and thrilled and enjoying themselves that it communicated itself to the entire populace. The Heirs to Ansteorra and Meridies were in attendance and were not only complimentary but actively participating in the merriment. (And the shout that went up when Ansteorra announced that they would side with the Middle at Pennsic this year was second only to that moment earlier when Lutr was proclaimed.)

This is how it's meant to be, I believe, the honor and pageantry and chivalry and beauty. This is why we play this silly and expensive and time-consuming game, for those moments when we transcend our ordinary selves and become something higher, something better.

Two phrases kept going through my head all through Court and this evening. I think they will continue to resound for me every time I remember this day.
The Dream is still alive.
The magic has returned.

Draco Invictus!

sca, philosophical maunderings

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