I recently realized that I have been working, and practicing (swim and polo) away my summer. In one way it's good because it keeps me busy and in shape, but it's bad because I haven't seen a lot of people lately that aren't co-workers or team mates! I feel really bad about it too, so I'm sorry if I've been ditching you or not seen you, it's not because I don't want to see you, it's because I basically can't! Shitty right?
When I have been able to stuff I've been chillin' with people at Huron Valley. It's sad that I'm always there even when I'm not working, but we have some good times out there...
<-- J Boren possibley one of the craziest girls I know, definetly one of the hottest ;-)
<-- Me being retarded, what else is new
<-- Maggie Honeyman, first off the girl is goofy and cool as hell. She's just crazy and original, like no one I know
Outside of Huron Valley I've gone out on JP's boat a few times or just been sleeping, which I really like doing.
All this humidity is making me a bit pissed off though, it keeps causing all these damn storms. At night they're tight to watch and I mean somedays at work we just want it to effing storm like non other to get rid of people, but enough is enough. No more storms for a while please.
Last night I finaly got out of the house and went out with my friend Pete from work. I love this guy so much because we're a lot alike and really compatiable. He's crazy like me and likes to do completely random things. We went in to downtown Ann Arbor and drove around listening to some music. Then we just walked around to random places in the diag. When we were J-walking (yes illegal, but who cars in Ann Arbor, honestly everyone does it), anyways we were j-walking and this guy speeds up at us and leans out his window screaming "get out of the f-cking street!" while laying on his horn. Okay that was completely uncalled for and obviously he is not from Ann Arbor. So I was pretty pissed about that one and I just yelled back "F-ck you!" and Pete's like "Get out of our city tourist!" I guess you had to be there but I thought it was funny. After that we ended up at Arbor Brewing Company for some darts with our other co-worker Brian Keller (crazy ass kid). Some how we ended up on the top of Border's parking structure watching people in their apartments. I kept trying to take pictures of downtown and the sky but they didn't turn out so well. We talked forever and listened to some more music and telling stories. Basically they know my whole life story which is super creepy. But whatever, so yeah that was fun.
<-- My attempt at a good picture of a2
I think it's random how things work out. Like today I ended up at AACC playing with little kids that Jessica babysits. It was so much fun they were some crazy kids. The littlest one was like "turn in to a ball!!" everytime we'd go off the diving board. Then Ben and Chris Marsh drove by on their golf cart (they'd been playing golf) and that was cool because I haven't seen Ben in FOREVER so it was nice to see him. And I got to see Kyle and I haven't seen/talked to him in a couple weeks so that made me smile.
Basically life is so random and I don't even know how things come about, but they just do. It's crazy. I don't think I'm making any sense to anyone so I'm done talking. Peace