and thus she moves slowly, her head spinning, her feet dragging across the creaking floorboards..

Sep 11, 2008 16:34

Kame's picture was used as a funeral cover.
What's the fuss? It's not like Kame will die or... have... some harm done to him because of that. Fangirls.

Poems. Oh how I love thee!
It's been a while since I've seen a poem. Poems are wonderful. They're shorter than fictions but not any less influencial. <3 Speaking of which, I still haven't caught up with the Maou episodes. Major failage.

Oh, yes! Hana Yori Dango is showing in Cathay in Malaysia starting from October the 30th. DOES THAT MEAN KUROSAGI WILL BE SHOWING AS WELL?! hopes for a miracle

On the other hand, CUTIE PIE ALERT!!! I can't believe he's 20. I mean, LOOK AT THE FACE O.O

Anyways...everyone, go check out Tanimura Nana's If I'm not the one. It's the theme song for Yotsu no Uso starring Aoi Yuu, which sucks in my opinion. But the song is great! The english isn't bad even!

Now, unto the dramas. I finished 14 sai no haha a while back but didn't review it yet. Also, Seigi no Mikata is over. =( NO MORE KANKAN NO SCREEN.

Shiida Mirai is a cute girl. She's young and talented and just... cute as a button. Did I mention that I like her a lot? XD Anyways, I watched this drama to check out her other works. But in the meantime, I wanted to know why everyone was fussing over Miura Haruma. The boy looks stiff, looks a bit cute and is tall. That's all I can think of lol... I mean, I prefer KanKan over him anytime! Gah, I'm getting overboard. Basically, Mirai plays Ichinose Miki who gets pregnant with her boyfriend(?)'s child after an encounter with gangsters one night, while Haruma plays the boyfriend whose mother is ALSO a single mom who's been through a lot. She's also the president of a famous company. You know what happens when the media gets hold of the news... The company faces problems, the kids are seperated, the girl loses all her friends. And the funny thing is, now that I think back on it... It wasn't her best role. Maybe it's just too difficult to act pregnant when you're only what.. 12, 13? And Haruma was stiff. Very stiff and... sometimes a bit too emotional.

Oh well, I give it a 3/5. Click here if you're interested

I wasn't really interested in the drama at first. To tell the truth, I didn't even recognize Mirai as she looked quite different >>;; Anyways, after finding out that Kankan was acting as her love interest, I decided to pick it up. Kankan was SO adorably cute as Okamoto Riku but the wrinkles beside his eyes. WHY KANKAN WHY Mirai acts as Youko whose sister is evil and is a two-face person. However, the evil deeds that her sister does always bear positive results, thus earning her the title of an ally of justice. One day, said sister falls in love with a guy at work. She uses her sister to help them meet and at the same time, fall in love. He falls in love with her and they get married. However, his mother doesn't fall for her act and sets out to expose the devil that she is. She fails, of course. But Naoki finds out for himself, how evil his wife really is. But in the course of breaking up, they discover that Makiko is pregnant, and all feuds are forgotten. Riku transfers to another school in Osaka and Youko goes to stop him. YET THEY STAY IN SILENCE, SITTING ON THE BENCH. Gah. Frustrating. I DEMAND A SEQUEL. For reuniting Riku and Youko, that is. THEY NEED TO BE TOGETHER. It's like... Kankan and Maki. <3

Anyways, I give it a 3/5 for the laughter it's brought lol... It's purely comedic. Wikipage

I'll update on my singapore trip and or more later.

... Why am I so exhausted anyway? Not to mention restless...

reviews: jdrama, rant

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